Author: Josh O'Brien

WordPress: Doing Root the Right Way.

I’m going to try to keep this brief as I am not a big WordPress hacker.  For the most part WP just works and allows me to get on with what I really want to do which is write and interact.  When I first started I had all sorts of crazy ideas and to this day I still do.  But back then I had not clue how to really setup a blog, I just dove in and hoped for the best.  Well it turns out what how I did it is really not all that bad but I had just not configured everything in a way that was optimal.  So here is what I did.

On the Initial WordPress install I told the installer to use / as the directory for all my wordpress install files.  That is all well and good but I ended up having to go to to get to my blog, and that was not so good.  The quick and dirty fix was to use an index.html file that looked just like this:

< !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">StaticNAT

The problem was that it just ended up pointing back to and quite honestly thats ugly. As I have been cleaning up the site in preparation for all the cool new things we are adding I decided I needed to make a change even if it was painful. My plan was to backup my WP data and DB then create a new install of WP at / the root directory for this site. After that was all done I would import all the old data re-install all my plugins re-create the Admin users and move on. But I was a bit concerned about how clean this would be especially from and SEO perspective.

Digging a bit I found out that the way I deployed five years ago was really not wrong and that WP had provisions already to live in a unique director but still present itself without the index.html file. So off I went to find out how to do it. What I found was this support forum post on DreamHosts site. This was convenient since Dreamhost is my web host so I was sure it would work out well.

To sum it all up for you what you have to do is go to Settings –> General –> and change the Site Address (URL) to Once you have done that you have to create a .htaccess file and place it in both the / and / folders. I did not like all of the things that were in the .htaaccess file that was shown in this forum article so I modified it to look like this;

# protect the htaccess file

order allow,deny
deny from all

# disable the server signature
ServerSignature Off

# limit file uploads to 10mb
LimitRequestBody 10240000

# protect wpconfig.php

order allow,deny
deny from all

#who has access who doesnt
order allow,deny
#deny from
allow from all

#custom error docs
ErrorDocument 404 /notfound.php
ErrorDocument 403 /forbidden.php
ErrorDocument 500 /error.php

# disable directory browsing
Options All -Indexes

# set the canonical url
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

# BEGIN WordPress

# END WordPress

Then you have to copy the index.php files from / to / That should be all there is to it. But for me it was not. I ended up having to go into the index.php files and change the following:

/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */


/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */

That did it. I have a few custom links that are not working following the change but thats minor and should be resolved pretty quick. Keep in mind if you end up using this any of the references to should be replace with your domain name for it to work for you.

2012 What a Riot! And More Fun to Come

We have introduced a new blog series called a Few Easy Steps. This series is really what I always intended to be from when it started in 2007. I would highly recommend you check out this series and add us to your RSS reader, bookmarks or whatever means you use to remember to check us out from time to time. To date we have published 22 of these articles that allow the reader to walk away and do something right away with that they have just read. Most of these posts have been dealing with very entry level configurations steps around Cisco IOS devices. In the near future we have plans to extend this series not only into configuration of other networking devices but move into server configuration as well. Keep and eye out because there is much more to come.

Read more

A Few Easy Steps: Cisco Switch, Setup Span Port (Port Monitoring for Packet Capture)

In this session of A Few Easy Steps, we will configure a Span Port on a Cisco Switch.  In General this will work on any Cisco Switch. In this session we will be including the setup and verification commands, following the full config sample we will also provide the commands to remove the Span/Monitoring Port. We are adding these steps because often old Span ports cause havoc with new span sessions and leaving Span sessions running is taxing on switchCPU and Memory and should not be done unless required.

Session Prerequisites:

  • You have terminal or console access to your Cisco device.

Session Assumptions:

  • Source Port is Interface FastEthernet 0/1
  • Destination Port is Interface FastEthernet 0/21
  • Monitor Session is 1
  • We will be monitoring both RX and TX traffic

Our goals of this session are:

  • Configure Source Interface
  • Configure Source Interface
  • Verify Span Settings
  • Disable Span Session

Configure Source Interface

conf t
monitor session 1 source interface fastEthernet 0/1 both
copy running-config startup-config

Configure Destination Interface Interface

conf t
monitor session 1 destination interface fastEthernet 0/21 
copy running-config startup-config

Verify Span Settings

sh monitor session 1

Entire Session:

conf t
monitor session 1 source interface fastEthernet 0/1 both
monitor session 1 destination interface fastEthernet 0/21 
copy running-config startup-config
sh monitor session 1

Disable Span Session

conf t
no monitor session 1
copy running-config startup-config

Find out more about Span Ports on a Cisco Switch here.


Check out this Search at

A Few Easy Steps: Cisco Router, Disable NAT ALG for DNS

In this session of A Few Easy Steps, we will be Disabling NAT ALG for DNS on
a Cisco Router.

Session Prerequisites:

  • You have terminal or console access to your Cisco device.

Session Assumptions:

  • You have NAT Enabled
  • You do not need ALG to re-write DNS payloads to account for NAT

Our goals of this session are:

  • Disable NAT ALG for DNS

Disable NAT ALG for DNS

conf t
no ip nat service alg tcp dns
no ip nat service alg udp dns
copy running-config startup-config


Find out more about NAT ALG for DNS here.


Check out this Search at

A Few Easy Steps: Cisco IOS, Adding a default route

In this session of A Few Easy Steps, we will be adding a static route to a Cisco Router.

In General this will work on any Layer3 Cisco IOS device.

Session Prerequisites:

  • You have a Cisco Console Cable
  • You have a serial port
  • You have a Terminal Program that you can access your Serial Port

Session Assumptions:

  • Your default route is for all unknown networks
  • The Default router IP is
  • You have at least one Routing Interface UP/UP
  • IP Routing is already enabled

Our goals of this session are:

  • Enable Default Route

Enable Default Route

ip route 1 permanent

A Few Easy Steps: Cisco Switch, Name a VLAN

In this session of A Few Easy Steps, we will naming a VLAN in a Cisco Switch.
In General this will work on any Cisco Switch.

Session Prerequisites:

  • You have terminal or console access to your Cisco device.

Session Assumptions:

  • We are naming VLAN 20
  • The Name for VLAN 20 is SessionTEST

Our goals of this session are:

  • Name VLAN


conf t
vlan 20
name vlan SessionTest
copy running-config startup-config

Smarter, Faster, Better….Network Super Search Stands Alone!

Here at we have been playing with some new ideas.  Among those are all the cool tools that Google offers to webmasters, bloggers and anyone else willing to take the time.  One of these options is Google Custom Search and its pretty cool.  A few nights ago I introduced a new feature on the site called The Network Super Search.  The point of the Network Super Search was to create a curated list of sites that could be searched for expert information outside of the vendors.

But it got me thinking about the old days of search prior to Google.  I hated all the garbage I had to deal with and then Google came along with their clean site and massive index.  Staticnat is clearly not that type of environment so I hit the domain register and found that was available well now its not and starting today I have extended my original idea to its own dedicated site.  I do plan on keeping the original Network Super Search here on Staticnat, and I will continue to find great resources other than vendors and curate them here.  Once I have done that I will add them to so both locations keep growing in value.  I have quite a few other ideas for how to make better over time and if I can find clean ways to offer multiple types of curated searches on the site I will eventual retire the search on here.  Anyway I would love some feedback as to what you think and I would love see it get used.  So check it out spread it around wallow in it a bit and hopefully it serves its purpose.  I will be posting the curated sites shortly and I would love feedback and recommendations for other great sites to add to the search.  So comment, hit me up on twitter @joshobrien77 or stalk me like a few others have lately your call.

One last thing if you don’t quite get what is going on here Check out;

This Google Search for VLANs HERE.

This Search for VLANs HERE.


This theNetworkSuperSearch Search for VLANs HERE.

What you will find from the top down that is that the search results are more and more specific to the networking industry.



A Few Easy Steps: Cisco Switch, Setup Trunk Port

In this session of A Few Easy Steps, we will Setup Trunk Port on a Cisco Switch.
In General this will work on any Cisco Switch.

Session Prerequisites:

  • You have terminal or console access to your Cisco device.

Session Assumptions:

  • We are using Interface Fastethernet 0/14
  • We are trunking All VLANs
  • Native VLAN is 200
  • We are building a dot1q trunk

Our goals of this session are:

  • Change port trunk encapsulation
  • Change Switchport mode
  • Allow all VLANs on Trunk
  • Set native VLAN

Read more

A Few Easy Steps: Cisco Switch, Setup Access Port

In this session of A Few Easy Steps, we will be setting up an Access Port on a Cisco Switch. In General this will work on any Cisco Switch.

Session Prerequisites:

  • You have terminal or console access to your Cisco device.

Session Assumptions:

  • VLAN 291 is our target VLAN
  • Interface FastEthernet 0/4 is our target port (This should be adjusted for your situation)

Our goals of this session are:

  • Setup VLAN 291
  • Setup Access Port

Setup VLAN 291

conf t
vlan 291

Setup Access Port

conf t
interface fastethernet 0/4
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 291
copy running-config startup-config

Entire Session:

conf t
vlan 291
interface fastethernet 0/4
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 291
copy running-config startup-config

A Few New Things

For a long time was supposed to be something more more than my scratch pad.  I have wanted to be a hub of information for other in the IT community especially focused on the networking side of things.  Recently I have been doing quite a bit of reading concerning internet marketing and how to really setup a site for success.  If you have been coming here at all lately you will have noticed a new series of posts that we are doing called A Few Easy Steps.  Based on the traction we have received so far from that I want to start adding other helpful options to the site as well.

Tonight we would like to introduce another new addition to the site;  The Network Super Search.  This page is a custom GOOGLE search that we have setup that pulls from what we consider the top sources in the Networking Industry outside of the actual vendors.  I plan on curating this search list over time so it retains is usefulness and exposes the top minds in our field.  Right now we have a great group of sites listed and will be adding quite a few more in the near future.  So go ahead try it out and see what you can find.

To wrap this up expect to see ongoing changes.  We will be playing with ads, podcasts, videos and a few other ideas over the next few months to a year.  PLEASE comment and let us know what you like and don’t like.  What is useful and what is just meh.  Follow me on twitter @joshobrien77 and engage with the community.  Can’t wait to see where we can take this.  Thanks!

A Few Easy Steps: Cisco Switch, Disable VTP

In this session of A Few Easy Steps, we will be disabling VTP on a Cisco Switch. In General this will work on any Cisco Switch.

Session Prerequisites:

  • You have terminal or console access to your Cisco device.

Session Assumptions:

  • You do not use VTP in your Network
  • You want your Network to NOT implode

Our goals of this session are:

  • Set VTP to Transparent
  • Set VTP Domain to SwitchName

Set VTP to Transparent

conf t
vtp mode transparent
copy running-config startup-config

Set VTP Domain to SwitchName

conf t
vtp domain SessionTestSW1
copy running-config startup-config

Entire Session:

conf t
vtp mode transparent
vtp domain SessionTestSW1
copy running-config startup-config

A Few Easy Steps: Cisco IOS, Setup Authentication on Console Port

In this session of A Few Easy Steps, we will be setting up Authentication on the console port on a Cisco Router. In General this will work on any Cisco Switch or Router that runs on IOS.

Session Prerequisites:

  • You have terminal or console access to your Cisco device.

Session Assumptions:

  • Console port is 0
  • Login Credentials will be Local

Our goals of this session are:

  • Setup local User Account
  • Setup authentication on console port

Setup local User Account

conf t
username sessiontest password session test
copy running-config startup-config

Setup authentication on console port

conf t
line con 0
login local
copy running-config startup-config

Entire Session:

conf t
username sessiontest password session test
line con 0
login local
copy running-config startup-config