Since announcing our new Podcast Series WhoIS a few weeks ago things have been moving very fast and we have been very busy. So far we have most of the studio setup and we are working through little issues you run into as you setup new toys especially Pro Audio toys. In the next few days our final parts including a few new power supplies, shock mount for our microphone and our digital recorder should be hitting the doorstep. Tonight we built a DIY pop filter and based on how well that goes we will post a quick video on how to do it.
More important than how we are going to do the podcast is who will be on it. I am thrilled to announce our first two guests. We are thrilled to have Steve Foskett and Brad Hedlund. First off both of these guys are crazy busy and second both are amazing people who believe deeply in the work they do in our community. Their roles in our community made them two of the obvious people to approach as we started the WhoIS project. Their travel and work schedules on the other hand make them both hard to run down. If all goes well we should have both of them recorded and moving into post production by end of the week. If we hit any road blocks we could see that timeline strung our a few weeks we are just playing it by ear.
Moving forward I want to remind everyone that as much as we would love to pump out an episode of WhoIS every week, resources on our side and that of the guests just wont allow that. That makes our readers and listeners interactions with us even that more important in this process. I would like you all to add a comments with ideas for other guests who you would like to hear from. We look forward to hearing from you and working to bring your recommendations onto the show.