Just wanted to get a new post up for those of you who check up on my little slice of the web. I am still alive but just buried in work and personal endeavors. One of those happens to be that my wife Patti is Pregnant with our second child. Currently she is about 8 weeks and our two year old Aidan keeps telling us he wants a baby sister. Today though I am finishing up a pseudo vacation and before I go back to my normal 60+ hour weeks I wanted to check up on my site metrics to see if my absence had cause staticnat.com to become another lost soul on the information super highway. I am thrilled to report that it has not. Between my few loyal readers and some new visitors not only have I seen pretty stable numbers but also some pretty unique visitors. The most unique has to be The DOD Network Information Center. As seen here in a capture of my analytics account you can see that two days in a row some folks at the DOD Network Information Center check out my site. They even hung around for a bit and read 3 of my pages. If it happened to be you that visited me from the DOD I would love to hear from you. Feel free to email me at;
. That goes for all of my readers. While I don’t have tons of time to write at the moment I am very interested in what my readers are looking for when they visit me and what you would like me to add. I have hundreds of unique Cisco configs that I can sanitize and post as well as lots of other networking information, so if there is something you need drop me a line.
Again thanks for the continuing traffic and I hope to be supplying some new content and configs soon.